Fall into the wonderous, magical tale of Cinderella as the World Ballet Series presents one of their latest performances, taking to the stage to perform the beloved ballet. Who doesn’t love the wonder of a pumpkin carriage, fairy god-mother and the power of love? Join them on Sunday the 19th of March 2023 by simply booking your tickets today. The performance will take place at the Majestic Theatre, Dallas, and will take your breath away with the immersive talent of the professional ballet dancers, the enchanting costumes, astounding lighting and music. Don’t hesitate and book your tickets now (or before the clock strikes midnight…)!
The World Ballet Series boasts a multinational cast of fifty professional ballet dancers, with ten countries being represented, such as Belarus, Japan and the UK, and are united in passion for presenting and paying respect to the world classics of ballet through new productions. Cinderella is the timeless tale that shows love, magic and hope triumphing over envy and manipulation, and how wishes aren’t useless. The World Ballet Series is delighted to show their production of the timeless story. The iconic role of Cinderella has been performed hundreds of times across the globe, but tackling this enigmatic character is Principle Dancer, and Golden Mask Theatre Award winner, Ekaterina Malkovich, adding both a stunning vulnerability and strength to the role. Staring as her Prince Charming is invited soloist, and rising ballet star, Leonardo Celegato. The company will also be showcasing a new generation of dancers in the show as well, such as Angelina Zgurskaya portraying the Wicked Stepmother with a dazzling performance. Let your heart yearn and dream with Cinderella and the World Ballet Series on 03/19/2023 at the Majestic Theatre, Dallas by securing your tickets right now! It is sure to be an astoundingly beautiful and magnificent fete of ballet, music and dancing.
Majestic Theater
1925 Elm Street, Dallas, Texas, 75201, United States