Michael Blaustein at Majestic Theatre Dallas

Majestic Theatre, Dallas, Texas



Michael Blaustein at Majestic Theatre



Michael Blaustein

Majestic Theatre

Michael Blaustein tickets

You know how comedians used to thread the needle? Now, it seems like most of them are walking a tightrope. Trying not to offend anyone so that they won't get canceled. Well ... Michael Blaustein is not that type of comedian! He's loud, he's twitchy, and above all else, he doesn't care. What he brings to the table is a breath of fresh air in the genre. The man is making a stop at the Majestic Theater in Dallas on Saturday, April 5th. This show is a part of his "The Taste Me Tour."

If you think comedy has gotten soft, this night can help you see that's not the case. You just need to know where to look for jokes that will punch you in the face. Michael Blaustein can provide exactly that. Click the get tickets button now to be a part of the action.

If you're a fan of Michael Blaustein from his previous work in comedy, as an actor, or even his limited work on Punk'd, you know what to expect from the night. Anyone who's not familiar with his work can be in for a rude awakening. In fact, if you've got a friend or a date that you want to bring along, this could be a perfect initiation project. Part of the deal is what was mentioned before. Comedy has become a ton of people walking on eggshells. There's only a select few who've either been around the game for so long that they kind of get a pass. A lot of the comedians on this list weren't too controversial to begin with. Then there are others who are super unapologetic, and they go all out. That's the club that Michael Blaustein's in.

Michael Blaustein is also one of those comedians who feeds off the crowd a ton. Sometimes it seems like he gets up there with a like a 5-minute set, and he just spends the hour looking for someone in the audience who's gonna make the show run. Are you going to be that person? Keep in mind that some of the things that he's going to say about you might not be that nice. Even then, though, you're going to be able to appreciate how quick this dude's on his feet. It's not that heckling is ever encouraged at any of these events. If you want to try Michael Blaustein though, know you're doing so at your own risk!

The Majestic Theater is one of the best venues in Dallas for comedy night. Since it's not too large, you'll see the stage perfectly from wherever you are. If you just want to sit back and laugh at the other people Michael Blaustein's making fun of, be sure to find a spot in the upper levels. If you want to be a part of this experience, you know what to do. Click the get tickets button to find your seats for the night.

About the Venue

majestic theatre

Majestic Theatre

Majestic Theatre - Dallas, Dallas, Texas, , US